I made a 98 on my last test in geometry. YESSSS. and My final grade in
that class=96. i'm happy about that.
I took a spanish test today that can either make me fail for the year
or pass. shit. hope I did good on it, or else that's two years in
spanish 1 wasted. I am so bad with other languages. but pretty good in
everything else.
i feel like food is gross. i don't want to get fat.
I have to be at school by 7:15 tomorrow. I don't even wake up until around 7:50. ugh.
my weekend was alright. I guess.
ilmyboyf. yesterday was the best of the weekend.
this whole repeating thing
four times a day to take care of my belly button is so annoying.
oh well.
check it out.
i really like it. and my fat is really cute too. i like my hips the most though.
oily hair rocks. my face rocks.