Dec 29, 2005 11:49
1. Im a nineties child- well i was born in the 90s so yeah i'd say so. i grew up on barney, AHH real monsters,blues clues, doug and all that good nonsense
2. I have had a VERY scary experience involving santa- nope actually, i love that man
3. I overuse smileys on AIM- well not really, but i use them more than i used to
4. I can't stand when people overuse the words "like" "whatever" or "uh-huh" in conversation- no not really. probably because i do it
5. If I made my own food pyramid based on what I really eat, "fats, oils and sugars" would be the big box at the bottom- pretty much yeah
6. I can speak at least two languages fluently- no.. i can say some things in french though hah
7. Soda should never be diet- diet coke w/ lime is amazing. so soda can be diet if it wants
8. I have an irrational fear of clowns- nope! most of my friends do though
9. If you had to choose a large group of people to complete annhialate, it would DEFINITELY be preps- that would be very hypicritical of me so no
10. Fruit is nature's candy- i love apples
11. I am allergic to peanuts and/or latex- no that would suck ass. im not allergic to anything
12. I was born in a country outside of the US- yeap. canada
13. I have at least one friend named jessica, david, AND sarah- yeah..what common ass names
14. I fall into obsessions easily...- ummm kind of i guess
15. Lefty and damn proud of it!- yeap!! =)
16. I am the most tech-challenged person I know- nope, that would be my mom
17. I'm blonde on the outside, but not on the inside- yeah i guess?
18. I'm blonde on the inside, but not on the outside- nope
19. I have real issues with bugs I FUCKING HATE THEM.- erica and i accidentally beheaded this huge ass beetle thing once, i swear to god i have never been so creeped out in my whole entire life. dklsuagalkdfjg. ugh
20. I have left the country- yeap! many times
21. ACHOO!! I have a cold- no not anymore!
22. I know at least 15 of my neighbors- yeah i suppose so
23. I know that I shouldnt, but I have, on more than one occasion, have been tempted to go porto-potty tipping- no not really, that would be so gross
24. I have cheated on at least 5 tests - yeah not that im proud of it but yeah i have
25. I'm scared of at least three teachers- nope not at all
26. One word: Papiamento- 3 words..what the fuck?
27. If I could be any bird, it would be a bird of prey- um i guess so
28. I find fist-fights very pointless - my brother and i used to always fist fight..and i guess it never solved anything
29. My middle school friends were completely forgotten when I went to high school - wronggg. i still chill with them
30. Green Day is THE band.- i saw them in concert..they were sweet. but not THE band
31. I have seen avenue q more than once- i dont even know what that is
32. I think that preps are just football players in drag- definately not
33. Vegetables are more than just a little scary- no way i love those things
34. I CANT STAND banner ads on websites- yeah they annoy me
35. I'm freezing my ass off- yeah i am. i always am its not good
36. I have no idea what a concourse is- correct..what is it?
37. Video games are fuuuun- yeah they are
38. I like it when people I don't know subscribe to my site- i dont have a site, sorry
39. I have become good friends with at least one person who I IMed when they didn't know my sn- yeap!
40. I'm friends with the person I like- yeah
41. Jojo is scary. very scary.- oh yes..very..
42. I have more bracelets than I have room on my arms...and I wear them all every single effing day- nope, i wear this white string that ive had tied around my wrist for months..i dont even know why
43. I curse. A lot.- yeah i do
44. People have complained to me for my constant cursing- only grace does
45. I have at least two siblings (pets dont count)- well technically it's one and a half but yeah two.
46. I can't sing...but do anyway.- yes, im singing right now
47. I'm the best dancer I know- umm nah probably not the best i know, i know a million dancers
48. The person I like is older, but acts younger- nah they act their age
49. I have, on more than one occasion, laughed at the completely and totally innappropriate time AND have really really gotten in trouble for it.- no not really
50. One or more of my parents is a TERRIBLE driver- no they're both good drivers
51. I'm short- yeah
52. I've been told that I'm geeky, but could seriously care less- yeah i've been called that. but scarastically
53. Popularity is overrated- i guess so
54. I can't understand Matheletes- i wanna be a mathelete
55. I have more than three blogs on more than two sites- nope
56. I always freak out when the person I like IMs me- ahhh no. not at all.
57. I insult others well.- some people better than others. the better you know them the better you can insult them
58. I have NETA- i dont know what that is
59. I firmly believe that some people just act stupid so that I will mock them - no haha that would be retarded
60. I can't stand internet slang- some of it is too dumb for me. "brb" "lol" and "wtf" is the extent that i can tolerate. none of this ROFL STFU stuff