fear not, loyal fans. your faithful has returned once again.
ok here's the deal. my computer absolutely refuses ot let me update so i have to use madres, which she only lets me touch once in a blue moon or something. so its been a billion forevers since my last update and i have alot to say.
firs off, me and evan broke up again. this time for good. and then a few days later kyle asked me out. that was like, so out of nowhere. but we're going out now. and robby like, hates me. robby, if you still read this, im sorry and you're still hott ;D.
and then taylor like, got all pissed at me and started some rumor that me & ryan had sex or whatever. and so kyle may kill him soon. taylor, i mean. to taylor's credit, if i wasnt a christian, i probably would have had sex with ryan by now. but i am a christian so that doesnt mater ;D
the thing that sucks is, rollo & his girlfriend like, just finally broke up. not that i had a chance with him or anything..but im going out with kyle anyway.. and robby, if you are reading this and you tell anyone i will kill you.
so anyway..um. yeah. science fair is gay and im going to kill my science project and theres a blister on my toe the size of nevada. but who cares. <3
the camera whore is baaaack bia's. tha
and just so you guys know who all these guys are that i keep talking about...
robby. girls, no drooling ok? i know it's hard.
kyle. dont ask. my baby makes me proud.
ryan. [and the biggest effing dog on the planet]
rollo [tyler] yea ok you can drool on this one, girls.
im sure im going to be 5749537 comments on how hot they are. oh well..