(no subject)

Dec 06, 2006 01:22

im pathetic.
everytime i pick up my bass and play
it somehow turns into a sad song
and the lrics that po into my head
reinforce the sadness of the bass line.
i keep thinking of her(not who you expect).
i feel so comfortable arround her
im never sad, and i always smile
and i am gaining a fondness for her.
hell, the other day, i caught myself getting jealous
over the most ridiculous thing
she isnt even my girlfriend
but seeing her look at another guy
made me envy him. god im an idiot.

oh yeah. on another bad note
my grandfather is in the hospital
he has bad kidneys and they told us
to expect the worst. he needs dialisis
or something like that.
but the worst part is talking to my mom
and hearing that sadness in her voice
even when she isnt seemingly sad
that little knot in her throat
that i can hear. that makes me feel like shit.

a great way to feel when you have finals
i have to find a way to ignore all this shit
so that i can study and pass my classes.

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