(no subject)

Sep 24, 2006 04:18

i cant sleep.
Recurring nightmares are not fun.
this one isnt even that scary
but i just dont like it.
i feel really bad before anything really happens. I start off just walking around at night, lookingat the stars. There is people in the distance running from the same spot as a bro truck chases them. As soon as they get away the are suddenly fine, and they dont say a word. I start walking twords the moon and then it happens. a bald goth/white trahsy girl with a bro brother and a normal old mom who live in these appartments kidnapp me. The bro brother picks me and a friend up saying "youve been called on". Just typing it sends chills down my spine. We get to the appartment and its just like mine. my friend and i are just sitting in a room next to a hallway while the bald girl is arguing with her mom. we are in the room with the bald girl and the mom is in the other room, the mom yells out "that shit should have been here already", then the girl pulls out a scalpel and walk into the other room. All you can hear is the gurguling sound of blood going down the mothers slit throat, and her pathetic muffled angry cries that arent louder than a whisper, but that sound, that gurgulling, it doesnt stop, its like its comiing from the walls, it jsut gets perpetual louder and louder, it just gets more and more encompasing. It makes me really uneasy. I know something bad is going to happen but i cant move. I dont know wether it is out of curiosity of what is next or just plain fear, and i rerally dont care, i cant move either way. She enters the rroom covered in blood as the gurgulling continues, just louder than the second before. She looks at me, lifts her scalpel and says "i had to pay. Now ypu have to pay". Thats when i wake up. Three times this night it happened. Im not even that scared of the dream in general but it gives me a really uneasy feeling. I wake up and i can still hear the gurgulling sound. It all feels so real, its all so fucking vivid. I really dont like them.

p.s. my ipod is on shuffle
and as i type this, i just noticed,
the coheed song in which he says
:pull the trigger and the nightmare stops"
is playing. right now.
if fate exists, this must be the game it likes to play.
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