001. excuse the massive arm on my shoulder, i had no idea it was that big.
haha ryan takes ugly picturess

002. this is my favorite one of us.

003. best friends.

004. hotties (kris, katie, katie♥)

005. moi. (excuse the pudginess)

006. all the ladies (from left to right..front row: katie and kristen; back row: katie, kris, marg, audrey, me, & payden)

007. the boys. (no need to name them lol im lazy)

008. the 2 katies

009. us in front of the h3 limo =)

010. katie and ryan in front of the Himo

011. everyone in the Himo

012. margaret and me after dancing like psychos! haha

013. katie, kristen, katie, and anna after they danced like psychos

014. stairs.

015. more stairs.

morning after..
016. katie...well well well isnt that attractive?

017. kitty that im getting! =) yay

excuse the horrible-ness of these next pictures, my mom isnt very camera-oriented.
018. yay lunch at the football feild (farah, me, katie, danielle)

019. freshman float

020. SOPHOMORE FLOAT FOSHO. we won =) go us.

021. again

022. sophomore maids =) margaret and emma

023. my brothers new truck pulling the juniors float (my brother is a junior and my mom took alot of pictures of their sorry float)

024. trash the tigers. even though we lost the game lol

025. they drug trashcans and stuffed tigers behind their float

026. again

027. junior maids (mallory and carrie)

028. my mom i guess completely missed the senior float and the maids, but she got a picture of 2 out of the 3 senior beauxs (mike and jordan)

farah and i were re-making one of our friend's myspace default.
029. this is what we were remaking

(and these are what we came up with)
030. farah's attempts


032. and this was for kicks

033. my attempts



036. and we took one together (this is both me and farah's myspace default right now)

pictures of the volleyball team (i'm sure youre plenty bored if youve kept going thus far)
037. Elyse (little sister of the team)

038. Emily (aka- Nilk)

039. Katelyn & Leah (palest blondes ive ever met) and no, theyre not related lol

040. Katelyn with food in her mouth

041. Nilk smiling with food in her mouth =)

THE END. this was probably boring. haha