coloring tut

Jul 21, 2006 15:55

Alrighty, it's about time for a tutorial, eh?


Yes, I'm being a lazy butt and not posting step by step pictures. So what? xD Deal.
This icon is of my lovely friend Asiah. =D

1) Crop your icon, sharpen as needed.
2) New layer > Flood fill with #ffffff > Set to color on 100% opacity
3) New layer > Flood fill with #ffe1d5 > Set to color burn at 100% opacity
4) Duplicate your base and drag it to the top > Set to soft light at 100% opacity
5) New Layer > Flood fill with #d5f4ff > Set to soft light at 100% opacity
6) New Layer > Flood fill with #ffd5d5 > Set to lighten at 24% opacity
7) New layer > Flood fill with #d5ffe2 > Set to color burn at 100% opacity
8) Duplicate you base and drag to the top > Set to soft light at 100% opacity
9) Duplicate that layer again
10) New layer > Flood fill with #141e46 > Set to lighten at 100% opacity
11) Add brushes, text ect. and you're done!

Other icons made with this coloring:


* I love comments
* I'd love to see what you've made
* If you take any the these icons, remember to credit
* Also, feel free to request an icon (or other graphic) here

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