I love my sparkly pink retainer!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Nov 11, 2004 21:58

_Name: Henriette
_Nicknames: Harriet or Henny
_Age/DOB: 18. 08/09/86
_We're you a happy little fetus?: eh....hard to remeber the fetus days!
_Gender: The kind that give birth to a fetus!
_Location: City of Angels but feels more like sin city
_Status: Humping...a lot too!

_Flavor of Top Ramen: Shrimp with some tapatio
_LOTR movie [1,2, or 3]: The last one where the finally destroyed the freaking ring!
_Band: DEFTONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i think i made my point!)
_Drink: Horchata...love the white stuff!
_Color: Fushia!
_TV show: I must admit i am a fool for the O.C

This or that
_Bananas or cream cheese: Bananas BAby! all the wayy!
_Sponge Bob or TRL: neither..yeesh!
_Dog or hippo: my dog! ilove my bitch!
_Peanut butter or jelly: why not both. They're so good together!
_Having a good time with friends or 1 million dollars: Friends!!! I can't win the lottery, it's impossible!

Word association
_Abortion: Stem Cells
_Racism: Dad
_Homophobic: South Central
_War: Mexican Immigrants
_Iraq: Draft

Make us laugh
use the words green, pink and yellow in a sentence!

The phone green i pink it up i say Yellow!

+3 CLEAR pictures of yourself

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