Nov 15, 2004 17:30
omg today was hillarious ok well me sarah colton and tyler were messin around throwing water at eachother i got a little wet but not too much ok well so tyler moved away from us so we put water on his chair and he was wearing white pants and we called him back saying " dont wry we wont do nething to u ne more we all stopped PROMISE" we trried to keep a straight face he sat down OMG we were laughing sooo hard colton had tears and he couldnt breathe i fell outta my chair and he was walking sidewayz soo ppl wouldnt see netthing u couldnt really see nething but we were like making a big deal out of it brb dinner............
ok back well thatbwas yummy ok well in P.E today my team ( Colton, Rocky, Logan, Brian) we kicked the other teams ass in flag football i did pretty good we go against this one kids team tomrrow he is a stalker and he follows all my friendsa round including me and keeps asking us out gosh he is a loser ok well i am goin to through him in to the ground for stalking all of us ok well there is nothing really to talk about i think i am gonna get goin i have a bit of hw well for the sk8ing folk
meet is in like 2 weeks counting down till i see all the ppl from space coast then we r al goinn to old town for fun and rides and shit it is goin to be awesome cant wait till dec 5th
Our meet in January if ne friends from skool wanna come go on ahead it is at stardust
Well im out luv u all
I think im over zack now i am totally likeing coltno hopefully keep liking him we mite go out kool beans and uh i think that is it luv u all peace