Oct 14, 2004 15:53
ok well today wasnt the best ever. Colton is hott as ever kam got our note me and sarah were passing ugh but he didnt read it. We dont have skool tomrrow but i leave tomrrow around 3 and go to shs for this marching band party then we get to play on the filed and have pizza and alot of other things and saturday i think my dad is taking me to HOWL-SCREAM i hope sooo. Sunday i am goin to decorate for Halloween. And then make time for homework or probally do that tmrrow idk well now i dont like nebody except Colton. If u dont kno who he is he is a guy who goes to my skool and is really kool. Well i am goin to clean my room so i dont have to do it tomrrow ok well ttyl cant wait to see everyone at the game and i have to practice the songs ok well bye