Oct 25, 2005 22:27
i have a new layout. and i like it a lot. kt, i will give you my old layout as an early xmas gift. hahaha.
i attempted to see the doctor today. i was there for an hour and they hadn't even called me to go back and weigh me and such. when mom asked how long it'd be, she said there were still ten people ahead of me. TEN. man, that pissed me off so bad. i just said forget it and we left. i'm almost fine.
donnie called me into work today. it didn't bother me, though. i called in sunday, so i made up for it today. i have to work again saturday from 4-11. then sunday from 8-2. aaahh it makes me mad. i DO NOT want to work sundays at 8 in the morning when i have to wake up at 7 from monday-friday, anyways. that leaves me ONE day to sleep in. but, i can't complain. i did ask for more hours. so i have to work the ones she gives me.
two more days until pay$day. oh yes.
i have rediscovered my love for these six deftones songs.