I'm single, I'm tired, and I'm through.
I know time and time again I've said no more relationships, and no more people, but this time I mean it and Lia will hold me accountable. I've done this breakup bullshit to know it's not worth the month or two relationship. I'm done, for a while.
I'm happy with just Lia, and I have more plans that my schedule can hold, therefore I don't think a month here and there with boys should stop what I want to get done. I'm young and I don't want to be in love. I'm in love with my best friend, chinese food, and ice cream, I'm in love with today.
I had this big idea in my head that life hasn't started for me, and it wont until I'm 18 and out of my parent's house, when HELLO I'm alive now, I don't need to waste more time crying over a boy, or arguing with people. Leave or stay I don't care. I have Lia, and that's the only friendship I've had consistently for a year and half. I don't see any of you still around, so I don't count on us anymore.
Life goes on.
and as my sign language teacher told me today,
*their's more fish in the water.*
it was cute.