I got really pissed off at the play I was attempting to write. Suh-weet.
I bored with making the new photo page 'cos it was slow (sorry Elizabeth, you're going to have to wait).
I was stalking the Jesus Freak (as opposed to stalking the Closet Slut) and decided to steal a survey from her just to pass the time.
1. fallen for your best friend?: Not my best friend. But a friend.
2. made out with a friend?: Yeah.
3. been rejected?: Who hasn't?
4. been in love?: No. There is an "unholy notion of the mythic powers of love." Always quote Rufus in a time of need.
5. used someone?: Yes.
6. been used?: Probably.
7. been kissed?: Yes.
8. done something you regret?: No. Regrets are ridiculous. One can't change something that's in the past. It is done, so there's no use thinking and moping about it.
Who was the last person...
9. you touched?: Probably my mom?
10. you talked to?: My dad.
11. you hugged?: Probably Mikaela.
12. you instant messaged?: Sara.
13. you kissed?: Whomever the hell I felt like kissing.
14. you had sex with?: Well, there was that crazy time at the Holocaust Museum and now I'm pregnant... Sucks.
15. you yelled at?: Meh. Some inanimate object.
16. you laughed with?: My parents at my mother's habit of accidentally combining words. It's definitley hereditary.
17. who broke your heart?: Broke my heart? Let's try no one.
18. who told you they loved you?: I don't know. Elizabeth sent me some lovely IM hearts.
Do you..
19. color your hair?: No.
20. have tattoos?: No.
21. have piercings?: In my ears, yes.
22. have a girl/boyfriend?: No.
23. own a webcam? No.
24. own a thong? Go through my underwear drawer and find out for yourself.
25. ever get off the computer? Only when forced to.
26. have any fetishes? Yes.
27. own a pet? Animals smell.
28. wear makeup? Yes.
Have you / do you / are you...
29. stolen anything? Probably.
30. smoke? No.
31. schizophrenic? No.
32. obsessive? Yes.
33. compulsive? Yes.
34. obsessive compulsive? Yes.
35. panic? No.
36. anxiety? Very rarely.
37. depressed? Not currently. Just bitter.
38. suicidal? Not at the moment. Maybe tomorrow?
39. obsessed with hate? Of course. Me and hate. We're like the same person.
40. dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? Only every night of my life.
41. if you could be anywhere, where would you be? Not here.
42. can you do anything freakish with your body? Sure.
43. what facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? Depends on the "other."
44. would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: If I liked her as a canidate and would want her as my president, yes.
45. would you marry for money?: Sure.
46. have you had braces?: Yes.
47. do you pluck your eyebrows? Yes.
48. do you like hairy backs?: No. Wax that shit off.
49. when was the last time you had a hickey?: The last Bible study. Obviously.
50. could you live without a computer?: No.
51. do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: Yes.
52. if so, how many people are on your list?: 194. I should clean it out.
53. if you could live in any past, where would it be?: The eighties.
54. do you wear white socks?: Yes.
55. do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: Depends on my mood.
56. your favorite fruit?: Pineapple.
57. do you eat wheat bread or white? Whatever.
58. what is your favorite place to visit?: New York City.
59. what is the last movie you saw?: I don't even know.
60. do you kiss on the first date?: If the situation is right, sure.
61. are you photogenic?: Most of the time.
62. do you dream in color or black and white?: Color.
63. are you wearing fingernail polish?: Yes.
64. is it chipped or fresh?: Chipped.
65. do you have any dimples? Yes.
66. do you remember being born? Fucking now.
67. why do you take surveys?: Because they waste my life away, and that's my favorite thing to do.
68. do you drink alcohol? On occasion.
69. did you like or do you like high school?: No.
70. what is the best accent? Depends. A lot of accents get annoying. British tends not to bother me much though. Really shitty Russian accents are the most fun to speak in though.
71. who do you want to kiss? Like I'd tell you, you dumb computer.
72. do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunsets. Except if you've stayed up all night and get to see the sun rise. That's amazing.
73. do you want to live to be 100?: Only if I'm in good health. Otherwise, I want to die before I need constant care.
74. is a flat stomach important to you?: Sure.
75. do you or have you played with a ouija board?: Yes.
76. are you loyal?: If I say I am, I sound like a dog. If I say I'm not, I'm a shitty friend. I just can't win.
77. are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: I try to be.
78. when you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: Off.
79. do you like your nose?: Yes.
80. do you think you can draw well?: No.
81. at what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real?: I don't remember.
82. how many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: 38. I counted them for Mikaela.
83. do you wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: Meh. Sometimes I varietize. Other times, I just stick to my chucks.
84. do you write poetry?: Yes. And it's EMO.
85. snore?: Not usually.
86. do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: Side.
87. cats/dogs?: Again, animals smell.
88. do you lick stamps?: No. We use stamps that are like stickers.
89. do you use an electric can opener?: Well, we have one, but I'm too inept to use it. I always make someone else open cans for me.
90. have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: Yes.
91. like your name?: Not usually.
92. were you named after anyone?: Somewhat. I think.
93. do you wish on stars?: No. Wishing is absurd.
94. which finger is your favorite?: ::gasp:: I can't choose a favorite! I don't want to be racist against my other fingers.
95. when did you last cry?: No idea.
96. do you like your handwriting?: When I'm not being lazy, yes.
97. who do you admire: Certain admirable people.
98. what is the #1 priority in your life?: Me. As it is for most people.
99. what is your favorite lunchmeat?: What a fucking dumb question.
100. any bad habits?: Yes.
That was not thrilling in the least.