sittin sidewayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Mar 23, 2005 14:16

theres countless numbers of ancient hieroglyphics explaining history but you fuckin narrow minded shitgeese won't take the time to think about an alternative outlook on how we really fuckin started. there were humans before adam and eve, the cromagnum or neanderthals whatever the fuck you wanna title it. you want an answer and not some fuckin make believe magician. evolution. thats the history those are the facts. the drawings show aliens coming down from outer space, impregnating human females, evolving the humans to be more stable, better workers, and so on. aliens used humans to mine gold for the outer layer of their planet, one specific drawing showing their planet missing parts of its outer core. once they were done evolving us, they left. end of story. thats how it was drawn, thats how it should be taught. after they left, humans were smarter and stronger, creating civilation. theres no such thing as sin. you wanna call this ignorant? look at you. denying the fuckin truth. why the fuck didnt the bible include dinosaurs, you think god's gonna not include his first creations out of the book? hell no he wouldnt. which is why, its all false, dead wrong. christianity has scared the living the fuck out of you, making you fear the fact you'll be dead and gone one day. its made to make you want to live a 'good' life so you can get into a fuckin utopia of everything good. if you wanna call aliens make believe, youre talking about a place in the fucking clouds or a place way underground filled with fire and destruction. eat shit humanity.
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