Oct 05, 2004 22:03
Schools been good so far. i enjoy it. ive been really confused lately about some boys. they give me a great big headach. I dunno who im going with to downeys homecomming, ive been asked by like 10 guys. and im not even kidding. its so weird.
im undecided at this point. Theres this one boy that sat behind me in history from like the first week of school till the today. The boy apprently had a big crush on me, and wrote me these amazing letters, that when my teacher friend saw them she made me go to the office and make copies of them. they were really cute. he also gave me a rose. he moved back to his old school yesturday. and came back today 4th per today to give me another rose. it was sweet. guys dont usually give me roses. or flowers. or anything. lol Cheer has been fun lately. we learned our downey/warren dance. This saturday is the downey high school cheer "bikini" car wash. $5 for cars, $7 for vans or suv's. Come and see downey cheer wash your car...haha well later xoxo jennifer