Jul 21, 2008 01:47
I'd love to say I'm down with something other than school work, but no. Should I be complaining? I'm healthy, in a way (definitely not by what I eat), and I've a shelter over my head. Pretty comfortable life I'm leading minus the fact that I'm down with a mount of homework every single day.
Honestly I don't know. I'm doing what I like. But it's such a chore now that it's 7 projects on hand with looming deadlines. Not to mention, the communication skills paper I'd have to sit on this coming wednesday.
Doing homework is to miss out on sleep almost every night. I'm physically tired and mentally exhausted. But I can't loosen the reigns on myself, because really comparing myself to everyone else I'm a lot slower and have a tendency to be distracted, that's why! I'm already too slack on myself. I shan't give myself sleep for tonight as a form of punishment.
Well, about 5/6 weeks more before I fly off for my school trip. Which I'm looking forward to despite the prior jab I've to take, millions of prep and the horrible (I suppose) weather over there. I just hope I'd make it back fine, and better still, UN-tanned. I hate being tanned. In fact, I don't get tanned, my body goes straight to being burnt. =/
Homework calls. My command. Really. God help me.