Apr 30, 2006 11:13
i just started working again. slowly im getting back into the whole life routine. when i get depressed.. i kind of need to step back and look at my situation so i dont commit suicide. and breathe.
just as i thought, i left for a while at work, and george [jack's plant on the windowsill] is dried up like woah.
cause im the only one who waters it.
my birthday was just another dissapointment.
i didnt get a call from my dad, or letter. but he did call my mom to tell her hes not going to pay for my birth control pills because he thinks it promotes sex. maybe if he let julie on birthcontrol she wouldnt have a baby with her when she joined a fucking cult.
and the bc was originally because of my mood swings near my period, so they needed to know when exactly to heavily medicate me.
im so sick of drama.
i want everything to be like my one good memory as a child. mom and dad held my hands and would count to three then lft me up in the middle of them. walking to an airport.
nothing has ever been handed to me on a silver platter. and as the years go by it seems to only get harder.
i wish my life was easy.