Dec 15, 2004 23:22
Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already... you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.
- Isaiah 43:18-19
Have you ever tried to reroute a stream by building a dam across the water with rocks and stones? Have you ever built a mud dam to collect the flowing water into a pool? These efforts were never completely successful, were they? The stones eventually give way to the rush of water and the mud dam washes downstream.
Every day we meet challenges that can potentially divert us and even temporarily defeat God's purpose in our lives. Failures, poor choices, or fear may derail us for a time. But if we turn to God and ask for His help, these obstacles will never permanently defeat His plan for us.
What are you facing today? A life impeded by mistakes, circumstances, even the harm someone else has inflicted on you? Do you feel you will never fulfill your dreams? You must not give up!
God is the author of miracles. He can take a life... no matter how broken... and make of it a beautiful and uniquely new creation. He will push away the stones and allow life-giving water to flow one more. Come to Him right now. It's never too late for you to become all that God created you to be.