
May 18, 2005 13:21



*Name: ilujna

*Age: 20

*Birthdate: Sept. 23

*Gender: Female

*Drugs: At the moment, Omnicef, a prescription antibiotic. Generally, nothing.

*Alcohol: My mom's turning into an alcoholic. Though usually I'm against such transformations, it's made her so much easier to live with, I find myself not completely upset by the large amount of vodka bottles I see around the house. I, however, don't drink.

*Cigarettes/Cigars: I love the smell of a good cigar, it reminds me of my grandfather, who's also a child molestor. Wait, no, I detest cigars. I'm also not a big fan of cigarettes. I don't mind people running around and ruining their lungs, but I have a problem when they become an asshole about it. How hard is it to smoke down-wind?!

*Favourite music genre: I'm too lazy to find out which genre I listen to. I know the basic labels for them, so we'll say I listen to mostly rock.

*Top 10 artists/bands/composers: In no particular order...
Third Eye Blind
Jack off Jill
Disney (Animated movie soundtracks, not their horrible artists) I like the backing orchestra, so sue me.
Alanis Morisette
Vinyl Sun
Spitting Angels
Nine Inch Nails
Stabbing Westward
Dear God, that's only nine?! *clicks the most played button on winamp
Kidney Theives

*Favourite form of art: Does literature count as a form of art? The visual aspect of my mind seems to be completely dead. Usually when I go to the Museum of Fine Arts, all I see are pretty pictures and people drooling. Stories and Poems, however, I think should count as their own art form, and therefore, that shall be my answer.

*Top 5 movies: In not particular order...
The Safety of Objects
The Prince of Egypt Best non-Disney animated film, in my opinion
The Fifth Element
The Princess Bride

*Favourite food: Potatoes, yes. I'm a picky eater and potatoes are one food that almost every house and every restaurant have in abundance. It's extremely difficult for someone to mess up a potatoe dish.

*Top 3 books: Oh? Only three? I really can't pick. I've adored each and every book I've ever read for different reasons. Picking three favorite books would be like telling a mother to pick out her favorite child. Granted, some mothers can do this, but they're usually drunks.

*If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?: Anyone? I'd like to meet President Bush and give him an IQ test. I've got quite a lot of money riding on the belief this his IQ is in the double digits and I'd like the people to pay up.

*If you could switch places with anyone, who would it be and why?: President Bush! Again! I would bring the troops home and let the people that honestly believe this is war on "Tear-rah" go and fight it themselves. Then I'd grab Cheney and a gun, go the top of the White House and decorate it in his blood before jumping off the building myself, my last thought being "Must... shoot... self" *bang* *splat*

*If you could fight any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?: ...I'm not a violent person, I would prefer to poison them or shoot them in their sleep... I suppose I am a violent person, I just don't like hitting people or vice versa. I feel much the same way that Holden Caufield does about hitting people. Oh, I’d love to poison Brad Pitt, or one of those Hollywood pretty boys. Or just throw acid on their face. Something that would cause them to use their acting skills, or lack thereof, to get a job and not their looks.

Opinions on ... (explain your answers)

*Racism: Racism, like the people that believe in it, is stupid. There's no basis for hating someone simply because their skin is a different color. Should we extend Racism beyond race, I'll also say it's idiotic to hate someone because they're a different religion / nationality / whatever people are running around saying is a good reason to hate people now a days. I've met very few people that qualify as smart who are bigoted or racist in anyway. Therefore, I can honestly say when my Eugenics program has blossomed, there will be no racists left on this planet.

*Politics: I'm not going to say I dislike Republicans. I'm a Texan and we're a Red state. I adore our current Republican Governor. I am going to say that any person who honestly believes Bush should have been elected and is doing a good job needs to have their head examined. I do consider myself to be a democrat, but I'm willing to put that aside to vote for the best person, who might be a Republican. I actually had a lot of respect for Republicans until they nominated Bush and Cheney. But everyone is allowed to make one mistake. It was reinstating him that made me doubt the mental capacity of the party. I could ramble all day about politics and politicians, but I'm going to stop with one sentence... If all politicians were required to take an IQ test and undergo psychiatric counseling, we'd have a lot less problems and a lot less Bush.

**George Bush: ...How many times have I answered this? Bush is the epitome of what's wrong with America. The man was a cheerleader. Need I say more? Honestly, he should be shot, him and Cheney. I've been waiting since 2001 to open the paper and read about how his incompetent brain is now decorating the stadium of some venue. I don't like the man. I honestly can't stand him. He is the worst thing to ever come out of Texas and that says a lot because Texans have... well, we're not the most emotionally stable state.

*Organized religion:My only problem with organized religion is when they come knocking on my door Saturday morning as I'm lounging in my room watching mindless cartoons. I respect religion, I respect anyone that has the courage to say "This is my religion. If you mock it, you're mocking me and we can longer exist on friendly terms." But when that person comes to me and starts talking about how I'm going to be damned for eternity because I don't worship their God, well, we have a problem. Because I will tell them where to shove their religion and exactly how I feel about them trying to force their beliefs on me. If I die and find out, "Oh! Hey, the Christians were right. Satan exists and now I'll spend all eternity in a fiery Hell." That's just going to be my problem and I'll deal with it then. I don't need someone pointing it out every freakin' day. Damn Bible Belt.

*Love at first sight: I'm laughing right now! I can't really answer this because I don't even know if I believe in love. Part of me wants to say, "Sometimes two people see each other and their souls recognize the other person! That's love at first sight." Another part wants to say "Oh, love at first sight? I bet you really love her boobs, don't you?" Still, a third part wants to make the claim, "Love doesn't exist therefore love at first sight can't possibly exist." I honestly don't know, emotions aren't my strong suit.

*Pre-marital sex: I have no problem with pre-marital sex. As long as the people know the commitment they're making and, should a pregnancy result, the father doesn't run off and disappear on the last train to Clarksville, I honestly don't give a damn. What people put inside their body isn't my responsibility. Basically, as long as the people in question take the right precautions and accept responsibility for their actions, I'm not going to say it's wrong. Granted, the US has the highest rate of STDs in the industrial countries, but I think that's caused more by people running around with VD and not giving a damn about who they spread it too.

*Gay marriage: How is this even an issue? It's a civil rights cause and like all Civil Rights causes, in the end, it will be in favor of change. The gays will be allowed to get married and I can finally have my chance at being a bridesmaid. What pisses me off however, is how people run around debating Gay Marriage when we should be talking about the penal system releasing men who have a high rate of repeating violent crimes. Or our educational system, what are we at now? Number 60-something on the world list?! Shouldn't we be talking about pumping more money into those systems that will impact the future of everyone instead of whining about letting people get married? I don't think there's anything wrong Gay marriage or Homosexuality in general. I'm shocked constantly by people that do think something is wrong with it.

What happened to "Equality for all"? Did someone decide that since "Equality for all white males" turned into "Equality for all males" then into "Equality for all women and men" that they should make it "Equality for all heterosexuals"? I think we're all forgetting the meaning of the word "all". All as in everyone. Let the gays get married. Not civil unions, that's a bunch of crap. Actual marriage. Give them the rights that everyone else receives because a gay person isn't automatically different because of the fact that they're attracted to members of the same gender. This gay marriage thing only forces people to believe that somehow gay people are different and let's face it, our society doesn't do well with the word "different".

*Abortion: Oh, dear God. I'm pro-life. I believe the mother has a choice and most of the people I know who did abort a baby thought about it long and hard and honestly believed it was the best thing. I personally wouldn't choose to kill my own child, I prefer for things to enter my stomach already dead and come out through my intestine. It would cause me vast emotional discomfort to know that something went into my body, started a human life and I just got rid of it. I'd choose adoption as my only option, barring any extenuating circumstances. However, I know not all girls are like me. In some cases, abortion is the best option for them and they have the right to make that decision.

I do think there's a huge gray area about the father's rights however. Seeing as I would choose adoption, his rights would be known because he'd have to sign them away. For woman that choose abortion however... I wouldn't want to be in that position where the mother's rights directly contradict the father's rights. Legally, she could completely disregard what he wants and get an abortion, it just seems cold though. But then you'd have to realize that most likely, should the child be born, she'd be the one stuck with it's primary care and all that whatnot that would basically end her life as she knows it. Like I said, gray area.

*Animal rights: Animals do have rights! And if this pertains to medical research, I'd like to say that the rights of animals are recognized there too. I've done a report almost every year about animals in biomedical research and their standing there is getting a lot better. They're usually treated with something akin to respect, as much respect as one can get when being purposefully injected with a pathogen. Also, animals can't develop diseases they didn't already have a procliviaty too. Cures that come from animal research benefit them and us.

However, because I highly doubt rabbits will be wearing eye shadow and pigs will be getting liposuction, I don't think animals should be used in cosmetic research. That is cruel. I think abusing an animal should be a felony. Purposefully killing one in malice should be seen in the same light as murdering a human. Why? Because most people that hurt animals will move on to humans and it's just wrong to hurt something because you can. It's stopping a murderer before he hurts another animal, or human.

*Euthanasia (of humans): Does this apply to criminals or assisted suicide? Some convicts, I believe, should be put out of commission. Serial killers, rapists, child molesters, all these people have high rates of committing their crimes over and over. Of ruining lives and teaching people to walk in their footsteps. They should be killed. I don't like the current system of deciding who gets the needle however, it's not justice, it's nowhere near justice.

Assisted suicide, I do believe in. I know I would want someone to end my life if I was in a situation where I wouldn't get better, I wouldn't wake up from a coma, and if I did, all I could look forward to was traumatic physical therapy and a decreased mental capacity. There comes a time when being humane means killing people. As the old quote goes, "You have to be cruel to be kind."

*Cloning / Genetic research: Ugh. It's going to happen. I can see horrible things coming to humanity because of this, but I can also see wonderful things. It's this generation's atomic bomb. When they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima it saved thousands of lives and ended a war. But it led the way to nuclear warheads. Cloning and Genetic research will be the same way. They'll save lives but they'll lead to destruction. I want the gain without the loss, since that won't happen and I can't really stop it either way... *shrugs* What was that quote? "It's better to be at the Devil's right hand than in his path." When Genetic research makes it's big monstrous debut, you'll see me there, holding it's hand and smiling, because there's no way in Hell I'm going to put my life in the path of something that's guaranteed to kill me. There are good decisions and there are smart ones. I'd rather be smart than morally right.

*Bad spelling / grammar: *screams in abject misery* I know some people are bad spellers, do they have to harass me?! If a person has that much disrespect for the English language that they'll butcher it every day without a second thought, then, those are just more people who have flunked out of my Eugenics program. When I put the chlorine in the gene pool... Good spelling and love of Grammar will be the norm.


*How did you find out about this community?: Yahoo search under "applications"

*Promote us one place and tell us where:Click Me!

*Having fun?: Some form of, yes.

*Why do you want to be apart of this community?: Actually, seeing as you want me to ignorantly promote you, I'm not sure if I want to be a member any longer. I'd rather promote because I believe it's a good community, not because it's the only way I can be considered for entrance. Had it not been for that question, I would have said something like "Because I'm not a fake" or "Because there's a table and I can bring a lot to it." or something equally lame. But to be honest, that question irked me to the point where I'm doubting whether or not I could really be an asset to a group of people that would force others to promote them without having an actual belief in the community.

*What is your definition of "fake" and why do you think you are not? Fake - Something that isn't real. Someone that is true to their selves. I'm not a fake because I have a God complex, and out of everything in the universe, God is too hard to fake.

*Describe yourself in two sentences or less, GO GOD DAMMIT! I'm an elitist renegade intellectual that loves to read, hates being judged but loves smiting others for no apparent reason.

*And, show us at least one picture of yourself: Pah, you're going to delete this anyway for not promoting. Either way, I worked hard and wanted to at least submit it for complete and utter rejection.

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