
Apr 10, 2005 01:54


*Name: Kristin
*Age: Fifteen
*Birthdate: December 12
*Drugs: not much anymore
*Alcohol: once in a while
*Cigarettes/Cigars:Nope, I have a hard time breathing around smoke.
*Favourite music genre: mostly hardcore and metal but no one genre in particular
*Top 10 artists/bands/composers: Hatebreed, The Blood Brothers, Mindless Self Indulgence, Underoath, Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, Fear Before the March of Flames, The Misfits, A7X
*Favourite form of art: photography
*Top 5 movies: Bang Bang You're dead, Clockwork Orange, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Crow, The Notebook
*Favourite food:vegetable lo mein
*Top 3 books: Smack, Go Ask Alice, Cut
*If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?:It would have to be my family in Portugal becuase its always good to know your family.
*If you could switch places with anyone, who would it be and why?: No one i have no desire to switch with anyone.
*If you could fight any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?: None i don't like to fight.

Opinions on ... (explain your answers)

*Racism: I think that its so stupid that you would hate someone just because of their skin color, race, sex, religon, sexual preferance, people shouldn't care about those things it's personality that counts.
*Politics:To tell you the truth I can't really give an opinion im not into politics.
if you put anything to the effect of "I don't care" or "I hate politics", omit the next question
**George Bush: Well on the way he went against our allies and started the war I found that to be extreamly stupid.
*Organized religion: I don't beileve in it because I don't understand why people can follow a man made relgion. It's pointless to me as in the Bible it contradicts itself way to many times.
*Love at first sight: You can't really love someone at first sight you have to get to know them.
*Pre-marital sex: To a certain degree I think its alright as long as you have a condom.
*Gay marriage: People should be able to marry anyone they want to just because someone is straight it does not mean that they have more rights over people that are gay.
*Abortion: No baby born or unborn should have to die if the person really don't want the baby why not give it up for adoption and let it have a life.
*Animal rights:I am an animal activist and i believe that animals should not be abused or killed. They fear and hurt just like humans do.
*Euthanasia (of humans): If the person is barely making it and in extream pain I think that its ok, but its when a person that can make it just can't respond I think that it isn't ok.
*Cloning / Genetic research: There's a reason that the're only one of each person and that shouldn't be messed with.
*Bad spelling / grammar: As long as i can understand what it is that they are trying to say the I dont mind.


*How did you find out about this community?: I was just doing random serching.
*Promote us one place and tell us where:
*Having fun?:Um, sure.
*Why do you want to be apart of this community?: This communtity seems to be cool.
*What is your definition of "fake" and why do you think you are not? Fake is when you conform to fit someone elses standards.
*Describe yourself in two sentences or less, GO GOD DAMMIT! Im hyper alot and I love energy drinks. I also bring the mosh to the pit.
*And, show us at least one picture of yourself:

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