Sep 19, 2004 08:19
On a tree by a branch a little tom sits, singing willow tit willow tit willow....anyways, i love that song....shes coming home today, which is good because i miss getting emails, as it seems almost noone in the world emails me, i dont even get junk bad is that when the junk mail people wont even talk to you?!?!? Im going to sell my old knife i think, i figuer i can get baout 25-30$....anyone want to buy it? I think i really missed my calling, i should have been a counseler or somthing as im always giving people adivce anyways....but i hear logging starts out at about 15-18$ an hour, which is right good pay i think. As long as a tree doesnt fall on your head, for when that happens it tends to make youa tad smaller. Starting latter today this journel is going friends only, so if you wish to be added post here....