I was digging up my closet at 10PM and guess what I found?
Why that's my Primary School uniform with doodling on it! <3 It's actually a skirt and since it was the last day of school, we got our pals so sign on it. (: Awww, all the memories. It's kinda sad when time has passed so quickly and it just seemed like yesterday.
And on second thought, I miss primary school alot. Well, even though I was basically a loner. But yeah. I've never exactly kept in touch with my so called friends, so it's kinda sad- but I hope not to think about it.
Anyway, we had G.O.H. rehearsals today. It was okay, but it was pretty hard marching in boots. I didn't have any boots, so I borrowed them from the den. Ancient boots I daresay... For it's all mould-infested inside out and Hui's one was practically peeling. Whoa! Boots with skin disease!
Rachel made us go all the way to get gloves with her, so anyway, we managed to buy ice-cream! <3 <3 Yum. Highly addictive, I know, but I LOOOOVE ice cream.
I miss Yvonne. She's in Italy now by the way, I've been text-messaging her for the past 3 days or so. ): Sigh. But they'll be back soon.