Oct 05, 2007 02:26
1."React to this quote, "The only thing I know is that I know nothing.""
2."I find it to be not true."
1." Why is that?"
2." I know, that the world is round."
ME! " NO YOU DON'T!!!!!"
2." Yes, I do, science has proven it."
ME! "Science hasn't proven anything because nothing can be proven, EVER! All They've shown is a pattern that ships don't sail off the earth! Satellite pictures are merely optical illusions."
2. "Well if you want to go on believing that things are that way go ahead and limit yourself to your ignorance"
ME!" It wouldn't make my life much different than any other religious fuck's."
2. "Excuse me? And why is that?"
ME!" You believe in god 2?"
2." Yes I do, but I don't see how this is relevant."
Me" Well, I say the belief in god is just about as logical as my opinion that the earth is flat."
2."That's not true."
2." I know god is there because I feel him in my heart."
Me." Well 2, I am god, and I'm here to tell you that that's not me in your heart. It's a heart murmur and you should have that shit checked out."
Me."Really now? can you prove that?"
2."Well if you're god... like you say you are, why don't you prove it?"
Me." That's the thing 2. I am in fact god, but I'm testing your faith, I could easily prove that I'm god by turning this Aquafina bottle into a Chardonnay but that doesn't prove that I'm god, it just proves I hang out with David Copperfeild on weekends. You gotta have faith 2. "
2. "That's ridiculous, Why would I have faith in you that you're god?"
Me." Well 2, if you're going to ask that question, why don't you ask yourself why you believe that someone else that you can't even see is god."
2." But the real god answers my prayers, blesses me with beautiful children, a good job, and a good brain in my head."
Me. "I'll take credit for all of those ecxept the last one."
2. "You're being a little asshole, just because you don't have christ in your life doesn't mean you have to bring everyone else down with you."
Me. "You're right 2, I am an asshole. But you're also wrong, I feel it is my duty as a human to advance humankind. Is it not true 2 that religion played a role in the dark ages? Would you like to burn me at the stake for being a wizard 2? The fact is, evolution, which has scientific backing and heaps and mounds of proof is still called The 'theory' of evolution in our school text books and do you know why that is 2? It's because a bunch of miserable cowardly people can't accept that we are here on pure chance. THE FUTURE IS SCARY 2! But don't you think we should strive every single day for understanding and knowledge? I MEAN THAT IS WHAT PROVED THE EARTH ISN'T FLAT NOW ISN'T IT? IT IS WHAT PROVED NEGROS ARE IN FACT AN EQUAL RACE NOW ISN'T IT?"
2. "Well what if the future isn't healthy for mankind?"
Me. "Then go become amish and stop hindering modern society."
Then, 2 gathers up his books and leaves class slamming the door and I get an A for the day. I LOVE COLLEGE!
I haven't slept in 3 days. All of which have been spent in Denny's.