Mar 03, 2006 14:08
B e s t
1. Male friend:Gisel, Paul, Brian, Tom, Dave.
2. Female friend: Mary, Lee, Taylor, Chloe, LB, Melanie, Livvie, Amanda.
3. Vacation: Florida with bianca.
4. Age: 15
5. Memory: Can't choose.
W o r s t
1. Day of the week: Mondays
2. Food: hotdogs..
3. Memory:It's going to be march 10th when my dads moves across the country =(.
4. Date: Ive had one date, and it was fab.
L a s t
1. Person you saw: Mary
2. Talked to on the phone: Luke!
3. Hugged: Brian
4. Text message: Luke!
5: IM: eff that
T o d a y
1. What are you doing now: i'm at marys
2. Tonight: I will be with my bst mary again.
3. Wearing: af zipup, cami, jeans.
4. What did you eat for lunch: Havent yet.
5. Better than yesterday: not yet.
T o m o r r o w
1. Is: Saturday.
2. Got any plans: Dont know yettt.
3. Goal: Make t my best day? all my days are awesome.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: ..
5. Do you have work: No.
F a v o r i t e s
1. Number: 21, 11:11
2. Song: histriock my body orrrrrr your love.
i can;t choose
3. Colors: i like most of them
4. Season: Summer
5. State: Dont know, want to go to arizona soon
C u r r e n t l y
1. With someone: No.
2. Alone while doing this? Yes.
3. Missing someone: Always.
4. Mood: Just woke up mood, but happpy.
5. Wanting: new clothes and the dog im getting!!! puppies lovelove
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------L A S T P E R S O N T H A T
1.Slept in bed beside you? Mary
2. Saw you cry? I dont know, probabaly my mom
3. Kissed? I dont kiss.
4. You went to the mall with? Brian and Bianca
5. You went to dinner with? Mary, Bianca, Kely, Kristin, Alisha, and Mariah lastnight.
6. You talked on the phone? luke
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it? I always mean it. 8. Broke your heart? N/A
9. Made you laugh? maryyyy
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? neither
3. Drink whole or skim milk? niether
4. Die in a fire or drown? Drown
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? i love my parents
A R E Y O U. .
1. Simple or complicated? Simplecomplicated
2. Gay/ Bisexual? No.
3. Hardcore? No.
1. Flowers or Candy? CANDY
2. Gray or black? Gray.
3. Color or Black and white photos? color
5. Sunrise or sunset?Sunrise
6. M&Ms or Skittles? Hard choice.
8. Staying up late or waking up early? Late.
A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y !!
1. Do you like anyone? yeah.
2. Do they know it? Probably.
D O Y O U P R E F E R. .
1. Sun or moon? Sun
2. Winter or Fall? Fall
3. Left or right? right
4. 10 accquaintances or having two best friends? Best friends
5. Sun or rain? Sun
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Chocolate.
7. Boys or girls? As friends? both
1. What time is it? 1:33
2. Name? Alicia
3. Nickname(s): Ally, Alicier.
4. Where were you born? Derry?
5. What is your birthdate? 12/14
6. What do you want to be? N/A
7. Where do you want to live? Somewhere warm
8. How many kids do you want? 1-2
9. What would you want to name a girl? Melanie
10. What would you want to name a boy? Ryan.
11. You want to get married? Yes.
1. Nervous Habits?
2. Are you double jointed? No.
3. Can you roll your tongue? No.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Without knowing yeah.
5. Can you cross your eyes? Yes.
6. Do you make your bed daily? Yeah.
R A N D O M:
1. Which shoe goes on first? Sandals.
2. Ever thrown something at someone? Yeah.
3. On the average, how much money do you carry? What i have
4. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? earring
O D D S?
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
2. Have you ever eaten sushi? No, i want too.
3. Favorite ice cream: Sherbert.
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? 4?
5. What's your favorite beverage? Water or Fruit punch and my new obsessios is the smoothie thing by V8
I N T H E L A S T M O N T H , H A V E Y O U ?
1. had a b/f or g/f: No.
2. Bought something: Yes
3. Got in an accident: No.
4. Sang: Always.
5. Been kissed: No.
6. Been hugged: Yes.
7. Felt stupid: Yeah
8. Missed someone: Yes.
9. Been out of the state: Yes.
10. Been dumped: No.
11. Danced crazy: Yes.
12. Gotten your hair cut: No.
13. cried: Yeah.
14. Lied: No.
15. Snuck out of the house: No