i pretty much wanna be an astornaut

Jul 30, 2005 23:30

Name:Morana Parker
A/S/L: 16/female/Toronto
One interesting fact about yourself:I got hit by a car;was going 60
oh and i have balls hanging from my genitals

10 Bands/artists: My Chemical Romance, oar, box car racer, blink 182, hawt thorne heights, taking back sunday, hot hot heat
5 Movies:Hotel Riwanda, breakfst club, animal house
3 Books:true life of bees, a child called it, the history of
Fashion sense (pictures are a plus):

Hottest member:shayla
Ugliest member:amee

Put a banner in your info and promote us in two other places (NO PROMOTING COMMUNITIES):http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=sex_pistols12
5+ pictures:

150x150 if you get accepted:
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