Feb 22, 2007 14:06
Man, I'm sick again. I don't know what's wrong with me! I've been eating BETTER, exercizing MORE, taking MORE vitamins, and I'm FREAKING SICK. AGAIN. This is getting ridiculous.
Yesterday I got this really awesome orchid. It's a palaenopsis with big white flowers with lots of bright pink freckles and yellow-and-fuschia middles. I repotted my green and purple dendrobium, and it and my other dendrobium both have new growth shoots. And all three are growing happily in my windowsill. Awesome. I love not killing my plants.
Last night was the Billy Collins Master Class / Reading / Book signing. I got a copy of his book Sailing Alone Around The Room, which he signed, and got to see my favorite poet ever read his stuff in person. Pretty sweet. The only thing that was annoying was how all these people were just fawning all over him. You know how people do... laughing louder at jokes than is natural, flattering him over and over, inviting him out to dinner, to get drinks, etc. etc. I don't know, it just bugs me when people suck up to other people just because they're famous.
During the reading there was this man who sat in a row cattycorner to me who looked exactly like Saddam Hussein. Not the young Saddam... he looked like Saddam while he was on trial. It was really distracting to look over in the middle of a poem to see Saddam Hussein cracking his knuckles and chewing on his moustache and laughing at Billy Collins. It makes me sound insane, but I kept doing double takes all night.
So. New orchid. Billy Collins. New book. Home alone. Sick. Bored. Discovery Channel. Work at 5:30.