I'm suppose to be...sick?

Jan 05, 2005 13:07

I was too lazy to update from my last entry. Oh, well. WOW, DON'T YOU ALL WANT TO FUCK MY LAYOUT? (Well at least I know me, Talbo & KP do <3) Yeah, you know that your mouth is salavating. Lyz, you are the sex. Thanks! =) I stayed home from school today..I'm suppose to be sick. I'm not really. My head just hurt and so did my throat. I really didn't want to go to school. But of course, I have Sound of Music rehersal and we're blocking some scenes with the children- great. Just great. I was so happy to see Liam yesterday! <33 I hadn't seen him in like 2 weeks. He bought me chocolate from England =) It was mad good. Then we discussed how I didn't get into Mizzle - Liam and his mother were so mad. CAP SUCKED YESTERDAY! WE spent an hour and a half on fucking "We Dance" because people in our fucking class can't shut their mouths. I'm beggining to hate that song, since we spent forever on it last night. Dan was getting pissed at me because I was tapdancing and I suck. Haha, so..him and Melissa had a tapdance-off? Ummm..yeah. We were mad at Kelsey? Blahh..last night was fucked. I think I was just pissed at her because of the whole carpooling thing. Liam had other reasons.. Awww Kenny bought me The Who CD <33 I love him so. It's his best week ever! Hes happy. I'm happy. We're all happy! =) <3 Casey, Pat and Chirs are coming over Friday- wahooo. It was suppose to be the 4 of us, but Pat's a rude fuck and he invited like 3 other people. I can assure you they are NOT coming ot my house. I have to talk to Pat tomorrow, and yell at him. >=0. Casey knows why I was sad in math yesterday =(. Yeah, it sucks. Beatles. Love to all, <3 Em
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