Oct 22, 2015 20:30
Well, if it did not happen long ago, I have now officially lost my mind. I have no idea what I am doing or how I am going to accomplish what I set out to, but at least getting here is over.
Things with Christian are very weird. We live like we are a couple, minus touching each other. The new girlfriend makes life hell, and I can only stay on the week days because the weekends are their special alone days. I knew that it might be like this, but one is never quite prepared. He was always my best bet, but it was not fair for me to expect him to drop his life once I got back. The first night I was here things got rough and we both cried. That was the only unhappy time I have had so far. It will take some time to adjust to being alone (I have never felt more alone in my life as I do now) I know that there are plenty of beautiful German fish in the sea. If one would just fall into my lap it might make this transition easier. Love isnt everything but its just too cold to be sleeping alone.
On the brighter side, Berlin is absolutely beautiful. The leaves have all turned brown, yellow, orange and purple. With every burst of wind leaves dance through the air and land on unsuspecting Berliners. I am perfectly content to sit with my gloves on and read books on a park bench just to pass the time. The restless feeling in legs and the thing that wakes me up every morning has subsided, for now.
As long as I am not homeless in the 30s I am happy. Let us hope that Doug does not stop sending money anytime soon. PEACE OUT, PEOPLE!