Apr 28, 2005 15:07
yayayyay i got to skip school today....take ure daughter to school day. i probably would have gone to school but i had a math test and a project due that i hadn't done. and the best part is since my mom has her own business she works from home so i got to just hang out around the house. i layed by the pool and just relaxed it was greattttt! :) now im gunna do my project so i don't get a bad grade on it! well i can't wait til prac to c my friends and i actually feel like swimming today and we get to go to the other Y instead of doin drylands in the sun. oh ya yest. drylands were awesome it was so ez and i was cheating a lot and i didn't get time added because pat, rocky, and corrine did it and pat yelled at sushi like coach brown had done it was really funny. well i gg i wanna get most of my project done be 4 prac so i don't have to do anything tonight
<3 becky <3