(no subject)

Aug 17, 2005 12:47

i swear, i cannot win at all ! my grandfather got out of the hospital about two weeks ago && he was doing fine. well, today my dad called me and told me he is back in the hospital because he was walking with a walker and he tripped and fell and cracked his collarbone real bad. and now, he weighs 14 pounds less. so that means, he wasn't eating again and lost an average of seven pounds a week. that is so sad, my grandfather only weighs about 80 some pounds right now. i can't go into the hospital to see him-- because he is undergoing tests and he isnt in the condition to see anyone. all i know is that im scared because my dad flat out told me, "alyssa, hes doing bad, real bad" in one of those voices!! please pray and have faith for my grandfather to pull through this... its all i ask.
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