Sep 12, 2006 02:16
ive started to notice a pattern.
aside from my natural cold-bloodedness.
i seem to freeze myself when i get upset.
i thought i was nuts, but it happens.
i get upset, and i start to shiver. regardless of the temperature.
im so weird.
i went to buy a concert ticket with a friend today and on our way back we came across a man who was voicing his opinions on christians/catholics.. i never figured out which one he is. regardless. we stood there for an hour in the beating sun [i felt uncomfortable] as he raised he voice and people yelled back trying to stop this mad dead in his tracks. a woman pressing her face as close as she could get without physically touching him. he voiced that if you drink, smoke, smoke pot, masturbate, watch porn... youre going to hell. if youre a different religion, its a false god, youre going to hell. two muslim men walked by, and a boy politely asked them to join the conversation, in which they did, and extended it that much longer. it was quite interesting to view college kids who stereotypically dont care about anything, voice out. one kid who ive met on several occasions..... was there yelling at this man for calling two girls sluts; i didnt think the kid had a decent bone in his body. its interesting what the right topic will make you do. another kid was so angry, that he was shaking as he spoke to this man. my favorite was the boy who started his own circle doing magic tricks.