Dec 30, 2005 03:04
oh jesus. i totally just explained to Adam something that made me feel terribly alone
My Love Is A War: what do you look for in a boy?
rub my bache: hmmmm
rub my bache: I like sensitive boys.
rub my bache: I like boys that aren't fancy, but classy.
My Love Is A War: what is something a boy could do within the first 5 minutes you meet to impress you?
rub my bache: they have to have an appreciation for art.
rub my bache: umm.
rub my bache: look me in the eye.
rub my bache: and not hit on me.
My Love Is A War: thats a good ojne
rub my bache: or smile at me.
My Love Is A War: what do you consider hitting on you?
rub my bache: if they smiled it'd have to be a slight smile.
rub my bache: umm talking to me.
rub my bache: or using any lines.
My Love Is A War: what if he just said
My Love Is A War: you seem interesting so i thought i'd come say hi
rub my bache: but I'm also wierd, most girls like that stuff.
My Love Is A War: and than just talked to you about whatever.
rub my bache: ummm.
rub my bache: no.
rub my bache: I'd rather him just come up.
rub my bache: and say Hi.
rub my bache: and say something genuine that attracted him to me besides "damn gurl you fine" or 'wow you're pretty'.
My Love Is A War: you always seem happy and i like that?
rub my bache: haha yeah I guess but if they know that then theyve spent a lot of time around me.
rub my bache: I'd be totally turned on if a guy just came up and was like, "who's your favourite author" or "your aura omits sparks of [insert a color/mood]".
rub my bache: as long as they werent creepy hippie-like.
rub my bache: hahaha.
My Love Is A War: you are weird
rub my bache: how so?
My Love Is A War: i dont know
My Love Is A War: that's rad
My Love Is A War: because i would do something like that but most girls would think i was creepy for it
rub my bache: There are boys around here that would do that.
rub my bache: I can't imagine the rush that would overcome me if I were put in that situation.
rub my bache: jesus christ.
rub my bache: that would be...
My Love Is A War: lol
rub my bache: there aren't even words.
rub my bache: to describe it.
My Love Is A War: see i dunno. i see this girl every other day. im not nervous
My Love Is A War: i just dont know what to say
rub my bache: hmm.
rub my bache: what is she doing when you see her.
My Love Is A War: going to class. and than i see her when she leaves
My Love Is A War: but not my class
rub my bache: what does she wear?
My Love Is A War: the best stuff ever.
My Love Is A War: she wears
My Love Is A War: like
My Love Is A War: zip up hoodies, nothing that has anything on it, just colorful ones
My Love Is A War: and she wears colorful sweaters
My Love Is A War: good pants
My Love Is A War: jeans
My Love Is A War: and stuff.
rub my bache: what's her hair like?
rub my bache: does she ever look at you?
My Love Is A War: she has before.
My Love Is A War: her hair is rad.
My Love Is A War: its just like
My Love Is A War: i dont know
My Love Is A War: perfect
rub my bache: is it long?
My Love Is A War: shorter
My Love Is A War: chin length about
My Love Is A War: right around there
rub my bache: hm scrap that then.
rub my bache: ummm.
rub my bache: well.
rub my bache: just.
My Love Is A War: shes so dreamy.
rub my bache: tomorrow or whenever you see her next, just go up to her and say, "Hi." not hey or hello, well Hello would work as long as its not in a joking way.
rub my bache: and who cares if you're nervous. let her feel that.
rub my bache: it'll make her feel good.
rub my bache: hi.
rub my bache: is better than hey.
rub my bache: much better in this case.
rub my bache: because you already have proven you arent like every other guy.
rub my bache: and within those first 5 seconds, that Hi will make a difference.
rub my bache: whether she notices it or not.
rub my bache: it will.
rub my bache: internally.
rub my bache: and how she sees you.
rub my bache: and you can let her know that "i've noticed you walking to class, and i felt like i should talk to you, i just didn't know how".
rub my bache: because I know I would like it so much more if you were honest it.
My Love Is A War: yea
My Love Is A War: see thats what i think
rub my bache: haha jesus adam come here.
rub my bache: and do this.
rub my bache: to me.
rub my bache: !!
My Love Is A War: you know what
My Love Is A War: that whole
My Love Is A War: hey hi hello thing
My Love Is A War: was really bothering me
My Love Is A War: because hey
My Love Is A War: is just too easy to say
My Love Is A War: its what you would say
My Love Is A War: to just anyone
rub my bache: hey is fake and casual and has no meaning.
My Love Is A War: and since she isn't just anyone
My Love Is A War: hi
rub my bache: Hello is too concentrated.
My Love Is A War: is way better
rub my bache: Hi is honest and sensitive and like....Lavender or Light Blue.
rub my bache: Hey is so orange
My Love Is A War: haha
My Love Is A War: it is
rub my bache: I think hi is more emotional.
rub my bache: it takes more to say hi.
rub my bache: than it does.
rub my bache: hello.
rub my bache: or.
rub my bache: hey.
rub my bache: I dont think like anyone else I think...because when I talk I speak in colors, and each sentence is subconciously planned out by what flows together and for me when I think of a word, for some reason the definition in my head is always written with a colored block background.
rub my bache: Hi is definatly pastel
rub my bache: I can rarely explain what colors belong to what words, it's just a feeling.
My Love Is A War: you make more sense about this
My Love Is A War: than everyone else
rub my bache: or the least of all it's just so...different that you've got no choice but to run with it.
rub my bache: we'll never know.
My Love Is A War: im definately going to talk to her
rub my bache: good.
My Love Is A War: i guess what to say is only hard
rub my bache: if you try to have it planned.
My Love Is A War: and there is NO reason
rub my bache: dont plan.
rub my bache: to plan something like this
My Love Is A War: plan's = fakness
My Love Is A War: fakeness
rub my bache: plans=planned.
rub my bache: planned=thought out.
rub my bache: thought out=premeditated, and premeditation obliterates reality.
rub my bache: and life.
My Love Is A War: i think i will just talk to her like she is my best friend
My Love Is A War: because im the most comfortable
My Love Is A War: doing that
My Love Is A War: as opposed to trying to get to know her or something
rub my bache: ahhh wonderful idea.