gah the weather outside latley has been really pretty. as of 12:26 p.m. yesterday it was offically spring. i should be happier but i wasnt in that great of a mood yesterday. atleast not after fourth. i'm so ready for spring and well mainly summer. i love the sunshine. and rainstorms. the feel of blades of grass beneath my feet.
i think i'm really going to be growing up this summer. alot of things are going to change now. breeanna will move to lousiana and i will be challanging my self in the best ways but with the worst strains. i've got to be more responsible. i've been lucky i've had it easy for so long. most of my friends haven't had that. and where my prioities and goals and morals my dreams and aspirations fall into place i need to embrace challanging myself. i'm ready yeah junior year will proably determine my life and what collage i go to. i just want to grow up a bit more. i think im pretty mature for my age but i need to push myself farther ahead i need to be more. i'm not grown up i need to start.
so yesterday in english we did our course schedules for next year and mine is:
so yeah i'm in for a tough year. i know i can hadle it and that i can do well and really excell. i know that this in the long run will really be benifical for me. i'm glad i decided to take AP and k chem i'm really proud of my goals for myself and my confidence and driven to acheiving things that mean the most to me.
today in fourth period we had a sub. it wass greatt. she let us listen to music while we worked so tara and i listend to her ipod like all period very relaxing. we didnt actually do any work we copied off people to so obviusly it was an easy day. i love music. and my ipod has become my best friend these days.
oh and in dance we started working on our spring show routine. a character dance with a chair prop to pretty women. its really cute and i'm excited about it. word is we get to hopefully wear a polka dot dress.
and i always have alot of fun in english carlos and greg constantly crack me up.
oh i got all A's and b on progress reports yay for michelle.
SO DRIVERS ED SUCKS HARDCORE HA! BUT I DO HAVE MY PERMIT! how ever driving isnt half as easy as it looks and drivers ed is making me really extra nervous. i feel likei'm going to crash or get hit. and FYI my dad is the worst teacher ever he made me cry after being in the car with him for 5 mintues. so my mom drives me. i got really frustrated and threw my phone at my wall and now its cracked. gah i can still see out of it but text messaging is increasingly difficult.
i'm feeling really cynical and somewhat depressed latley. i mean i dont act it to much my friends make me happy and laugh and smile. but inside i'm upset alot because of one stupid person one boy who treats me really bad and makes me feel worthless. and like a stupid air head. i cant really understand boys. most of them are so immature. gah. i don;t really want to whine about some guy but he really is taking some things too far he has no clue what the things he says do to me. blah stupidd boys.
well i'm tired so nigthy peace out.