(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 01:35

1. LA or New York?
new york.

2. Red or White wine?

3. What's something a member of the gender you prefer can wear to turn you on?
plaid shirts. liz knows about this one.

4. What's something a member of the gender you prefer can wear to turn you off?
gray sweatshirts. ahem alan.

5. Who was the last person you kissed?

6. Favorite cuss word?

7. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?

8. Blondes or Brunettes?

9. What's something you always have on you?

10. Do you stay awake in bed thinking or do you fall asleep in 5 seconds?
depends on the day, the activities of the day

11. What celebrity would you like to fight the most?
ughhhh mischa barton

12. What's the last thing that made you cry or got you teary eyed?
laying in my bed with steve wanting to go home.

13. What's your favorite holiday?
when i see liz

14. What are you listening to right now?

15. Are your parents still together?

16. If you inherited $20 million, what are the first 5 things you'd do with the money?
currently a tanning bed, clothes, my own apartment, my cat chuck, and a teleporter back to newjersey

17. What was the best year of your life?
eh. the winter of junior year was fantastic and the end/summer of senior year.

18. Why?
the times were good.

19. Have you ever flown first class?
no maam

20. Where was your first vacation?
besides like the jersey shore, disneyworld.

21. What are you SUPPOSED to be doing right now?

22. Are you gonna do it?

23. What's the best thing a member of your gender preference can do to turn you on?
i will not say.

24. Pro Life or Pro Choice?

25. Favorite physical features on the opposite sex?

26. Whats the date today?

27. How old are you today?

28. Who do you have a crush on that doesn't know yet?
he knows

29. Best movie you've seen this year?

32. Ever been in love?
i have loved someone before.

33. Who makes you laugh the most?
hahah tina rossi.

34. What do you want to be doing in 20 years?
getting laid.

35. What was the last CD you bought?

36. South Park or Simpson's

37. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

38. When was the last time you talked to your mom?
2 days ago? i miss her.

39. Have you ever written a song?
hahahahhahaha. liz.

40. Can two people be "just friends"?

43. American, Cheddar, or Swiss cheese?
aallll three. i love cheese.

44. What was the best thing about high school?
it wasnt here

45. Favorite movie quote?
hahahah "mmm pinecomes"

46. Are you [sleepy]?

47. When was the last time you were drunk?
saturday night?

48. What do you want on your tombstone?
i dont care. doesnt really matter. i wont be there to see it. i agree alan murray,

49. Your name spelled backwards?

50. Where were your parents born?
newark and clifton

51. What is the last thing you downloaded on your computer?
my internet doesnt work.

52. What's your favorite restaurant?
atlanta bread company.

53. What's one thing most people don't know about you?
i have my vagina pierced.

54. Have you been in love?
at the time i thought there was no one else in teh world i could ever be with,but it was my first love. so i was stupid.

55. Are you single?

56. What type of music you dislike most?
bad music

57. Are you registered to vote?

58. Do you have a car?

59. One thing you want right now?
to be home. to have my license. to be tan. to have my job. to be with people i love. to smoke. to get drunk.

60. Ever prank call anybody?
who doesnt

61. If you could be a famous person for a day who would you be?
nicole ritchie

62. Would you go bungee jumping or skydiving?

63. What's the farthest place you ever traveled?
uhhh. the caribbean?

64. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
bitching you around

65. What is the size of your bed?
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