
Feb 28, 2005 15:20

>1<.Am I a good friend?
>2<.Do you feel you can tell me anything?
>3<.How did we meet?
>4< Who are ya?
>5< In one word describe me.
>6< If we could both go somewhere, where would it be?
>7< On a scale of one to ten what am I?
>8< Would you consider us good friends? If not how can you and I fix it?
>9< Favorite spent time with me?
>10< Nick name and ( Read more... )

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RefridgratrRaidr anonymous March 11 2005, 00:38:34 UTC
>1<.Am I a good friend? One of my Best
>2<.Do you feel you can tell me anything? Absolutely
>3<.How did we meet? At school in L.A. or Cheerleading
>4< Who are ya? Sarah Bush
>5< In one word describe me. Exceptional
>6< If we could both go somewhere, where would it be? The Bahamas
>7< On a scale of one to ten what am I? 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
>8< Would you consider us good friends? If not how can you and I fix it? I would consider us great friends! Your such a sweet heart!
>9< Favorite spent time with me? Gym class!
>10< Nick name and why did you picked it? Sweetheart! Cause you care for everyone!
>11< would You kiss me? ummm.....On the cheek as a friend.
>12< do you think id let you kiss me? maybe...on the cheek...as friends
>13< Have I ever not been there when you needed me to be? not that I can remember. Your always there if you can be.
>14< Have I hugged you? Of course, daily! I couldn't live without it!
>15< name one time we did something stupid and we laughed for days. Probably when you were playing volleyball in gym class.

Over veiw of me
>1<. My eyes? The prettiest I've ever seen!
>2<. My personality? Genuine!
>3<. My hair? Looks great on you!
>4<. My laugh? Absolutely adorable, and makes me smile!
>5<. Your favorite characteristic of me? Everything! Not a flaw on you!

Do u know me?
>1<. fav color? I think it's bright!
>2<. fav fast food? Something non-drive thru.
>3<. fave animal? A penguin.lol
>4<. eye color? Brown
>5<. Sleeping or shopping? Shopping!
>6<. Hugs or kisses? Hugs!
>7<. type of music? Anything but rap.
>8< If I saw someone upset would I (Talk to them), (give them a hug and tell them its okay),(run past them an laugh)? You would definitly stop, talk to them and make sure they were ok.
>9< Zodiac Sign? One of the 12!
>10< when's my Birthday? One of these days!

Last Questions:
Out of all the things in the world what do you think I fear the most?And why do I fear this so much? Rejection. You fear falling in love because you may be rejected.

Do you always want me in you life?if not why? If so why? I don't know what I would do with out you in my life! You always make me smile and brighten my day! I hopw I do the same for you.


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