November 27th! Wow I lose at livejournal.
OKAY. So far at this rate, I MAY pass 4/5 of my classes with pure cramming, and studying, and doing work that should have been done a long time ago. The one class in question is Discrete Math, where no amount of bullshit will save me on that exam. Just ask the midterm. I still don't have a real motivation though, besides the inevitable wasting of money and the wrath of the asian fob parents. I suppose that's all up to me though.
Issue 1: People that can manipulate and use you, but TOTALLY MAKE IT SEEM LIKE THEY'RE NOT, until you sit down and think about it, and realize that YES THEY WERE USING YOU, but THEY ARE SOOO NICE HOW COULD THEY DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT? SO then you make this like, resolve to go and be a hardass and not be used anymore, but, they bust out the charm and nice and sweet marshmallow cakes and YOU feel bad afterwards. It's terrible.
But you know what's bugging me right about now? PEOPLE CALLING MY CELL PHONE WITH A BLOCKED ID.
NOTE: I'm sorry I was so dead on AIM nekoee, I was at work at 8 until 5 yesterday and completely died in front of the computer, and then woke up at 4:30. I'm on now though! <3 But may be watching HEROES later. =D