Oct 19, 2004 02:15
i hate mondays. with a passion. i hate my 8am class even more; brie and i ended up sleeping through it today. whatever; he doesn't take attendance anyway, and i honestly just can't handle the class anymore. it's like, his lectures are so loose and ambiguous, and then he slaps this quiz in front of us that asks us things we NEVER went over in class or lab. what the hell. this isn't what college is supposed to be like.
heath and i had our philosophy midterm at 9am. it wasn't so bad i guess. it's just good to know i have one down. two more left; let's see if i make it alive. i tried desperately to study for research methods earlier tonight but i managed to fall asleep literally with my face in my textbook. nikki took a picture. it's priceless. i'll post it soon. anyway. it's 2:17am and i've only made it through chapter 1. i have to study up to chapter 5 by 3:05pm tomorrow. i don't know if i can handle that. i just need this week to be over.
and then maybe fly through next week so i can get home already. :).
kremer stopped by before with ice pops. it's weird having him so close. i swear, amidst all of our yelling fits in high school i never would have EVER imagined that he'd be in my college dorm at 2am on a monday having an intense conversation in our pajamas. but it was good because it was a nice break from my immense ammounts of work, and the ice pops made my throat feel better since i'm suffering from a stress-induced cold.
that's all, really.
tomorrow's another day.
goodnight. <3.