Sep 23, 2004 20:03
mood: itchy..i have a bite on my leg!
music: some song about coke...its amandas mom's CD
current clothing: pajamma shorts and a tank top
current mood: pleasent
current taste: coke..the drink.
current hair: messy bun
current annoyance: hollys IMing me
current smell: coconut better...I just put cream on my legs
current thing you ought to be doing: Homework prolly..I'm not gunna do it thought
current jewelry: a ring, Amanda's necklece, and Holly's earings
current book: i don't read books...they bore me.
current refreshment: coke...
current worry: I don't think I'm worring about to much :o\
current crush: no coment
current longing: weekend
current music: some shitty music Aanda downloaded on my computer
current wish: I wasn't on team pyde
currentlyric in your head: none
current makeup: none
current undergarments: its pink and black..and it says "wanna get lucky?" on them
current regret: i have many regrets..they were all fun though and id do most of them again in a heart beat.
current desktop picture: a picture of holly on the toilet
current plans for tonight/weekend: i have alot of things palnned. I'm going to the cani with Holly and Amanda and then leaving around 9 and going to Cam's house then sleeping at Amanda's house and then going to marios hockey game and off to seth haley.
current cuss word du jour: shit
current disappointment: school tomarrow
current amusement: I'm not going to say.
current IM/person you're talking to: holly and Amanda..and some other people that don't carry the conversation on to well.
current love: dana..shes funny..and alot of other people
current obsession: i d k
current avoidance: my mother
current thing or things on your wall: I have a lot of pictures of Holly doing stupid peeing in Florida.
current favorite book: i don't read books
current favorite movie: idk i like alot of movies.