Name // liz
Age // fifteen
Gender // female
Sexual Preferrence // it takes all kinds.
Location // long island,new york
sXe? // i choose not to be. i respect all people that can respect themselves. I just choose to smoke.
Interesting Fact About You // i'm in way too many advanced classes, and i cant handle it.
How Did You Find Us? // i searched ♥ as an interest.
Favorite Bands // neutral milk hotel. arab on radar. cat power. arrogant sons of bitches. the weakerthans.btbam.cursive. the cure. rilo kiley. tilly and the wall.q and not u, dinosaur jr, ladytron,tenacious d, ben kweller
Favorite Books // as i lay dying. battle royale.big fish.the bell jar.
Favorite Movies // y tu mama tambien. motorcycle diaries. saved!. clerks. mallrats.dogma. jay and silent bob strike back. chasing amy. sylvia.i &heart;huckabees.napolean dynamite.a clockwork orange. nightmare before christmas.amelie. god is great.
Favorite Cartoon Character/Action Figure// definitley fred flintstone. i mean who else would i pick. i see the guy every morning on my vitamin plate.
What about racism, sexism, and homophobia? // racisim: skin color is just that.color. i see everyone as one color. grey. we're all humans. sexisim: i think that men aren't the superior race.neither are women. homophobia: hating is lame. get over it. if you make it illegal, its just gonna make more people do it. look at prohibition. look at marijuanna. look at teenage smoking.
What about abortions?// over abuse is just retarted. if you are responsible enough to have sex unprotected, you are supposed to be responsible enough to have a kid. if its like rape, then im okie with it
What about drugs?//guilty as charged. my boyfriend and i have been known to toke up. also i have a wicked addiction to ciggarettes. i refuse to ever drink again,because of certain things that have happened.
Who are you?// i'm a fifteen year old in tenth grade. i'm well put together. i love making music. i play cello. i play tenor ukelale. i play piano. i sing. i love my boyfriend with all my heart. i'm not a virgin. i'm not sxe. i'm not an angel. i'm not religious. i'm not perfect. i love robots. i over obsess over shark week on the discovery channel. i am a crazy girl.
Tell us a joke// why didnt the skeleton cross the road? cause he didn't have the guts. /lame
Define maieuticophobia// fear of having babies? i did a project on phobias in school, i think thats right.
Did you look it up?// according to www.dictionary.com , maieuticophobia is a fear of childbirth.
Quote someone//"TINA. COME GET SOME HAM"-Napolean Dynamite.
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http://www.livejournal.com/users/shoot_my_stars/33213.html?mode=replyDo you still own a tamagotchi?// yeah, but it dosn't work. /lame.
Clear Pictures
i stoled his rocket from the crypt sweatshirt.