Aug 24, 2006 15:59
i really like all my professors this semester. western civ might get a little boring. im still not really sure about my french teacher, she kept telling me i should be in a higher french class, but i'd rather be in the class i am now and get an A. so mondays and wednesdays will be busy days because i have class from 1020-3:15pm with ten minute breaks in between each class, tuesdays i have an 830am lab and 940 media/journalism and then thursday i just have the media class. hopefully i will get a call and interview to american eagle. i still have a few more places to drop applications off at. but im really paranoid about driving anywhere because parking here sucks and i still havent really gotten the hang of the whole parrallel parking thing. (take a minute to laugh). tonight we have call backs. Im stage manager so i still need to be there. it should be interesting to see the results. i still have some french and english homework to do. yippee, back in the saddle again. i think i need to do laundry too. maybe. i hate walking down to that laundry room. creepy and a long walk to top that. lol.
okay hope everyone is doing well and such. i'll be seeing you.