Why am I in such a rush?
I feel like I need to hurry.
Hurry and move out, hurry and meet someone, hurry and grow up.
ButI know that once that time comes, I'm going to wish it didn't come so fast, and I'm going to long for the days when I was young and had litle responsibility. As a teenager I have a lot of freedom. More than most in fact. But for some reason, I want to take it a step further. Why? Why do I feel the need to move on, and grow up so much? Why do I want to finish high school, and start my life so quickly?
Maybe this is a phase that will pass. Maybe not. All I know is that I've got to enjoy this time I have as a child, before it's too late.
Come on Tina. You've got the rest of your life to grow up. Why start now?