if you need a different environment then you should come to cali for a weekend, you can stay with me at my beach house and surf all day like i do when i need a change or need to get things off my mind. i would love to have you come out here.
hey thanks. that actually sounds nice. the only thing is that i would have no way to get there. haha BIG PROBLEM. maybe ill take vacation time off of school.? who knows. thank you though.
i had this crazy dream last night and you were in it and EVERYONE else like mudd and matt and jessy d and chris moore...ohhh how i miss those days. it sucks how things have to change all the time. it's for the better, but it's still pretty sad. i'm pretty sure we need to hang out soon and probbbbably get real drunk too.
ewe jess daniels____sunshineJuly 25 2005, 00:59:57 UTC
haha. you think about me cause you wanna do me. i know it!!
jk, i love you, we need to hang out asap. the year with you was the best year of my life.. FUNNEST and everything! when i get my phhone turned back on ill give you my numba!
Re: "remember me now...things always change"____sunshineJuly 25 2005, 00:58:05 UTC
i love you so much katy!!! im calling you right now. we need to talk about the hot sex we are gonna have... again.
HAHHA i crack myself up. jk. anyway. we need girl time the testosterone is smothering me! love you.. hey you should make me an icon of that pic of me and you and my eyes are closed and you did crazy shit with it in photoshop.. know what im talking about?>>
hughe party tonight at my boy joey macs. you need to be there, its my welcome home party. it starts at 9. call me for directions. bring anyone you want. my number is 480-206-5207
Comments 13
jk, i love you, we need to hang out asap. the year with you was the best year of my life.. FUNNEST and everything! when i get my phhone turned back on ill give you my numba!
you know what i mean girl.
so let's go work out at my work orrrrr go to the library and get cds to burn onto mycomp...or go get massages....or something.
i can sense a new phase emerging.
i love you silly shelly face!
HAHHA i crack myself up. jk. anyway. we need girl time the testosterone is smothering me! love you.. hey you should make me an icon of that pic of me and you and my eyes are closed and you did crazy shit with it in photoshop.. know what im talking about?>>
hey i got that pass for you to work out with me!! this week.
uh i'm fucked up on somas live uournal is crazy. lkate
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