May 25, 2006 12:14
What up folks?
Schools out, hooray. Probably going to see X-Men III tonight, even though I seem to be lacking in knowledge of the first two. I was never a big fan of X-men. The only one I liked was Gambit, and he thinks he's suave and cool, but honestly sounds like an idiot.
I've noticed something a little disturbing on my fiends list, and yet the only one I'm perturbed at at all is Mike. Odd.
Went to Scarby last weekend. Painter was in town, so we were late on account of Jenn collapsing in Cait's bathroom from cramping she hadn't felt since jr. high. I threw up, for cryin' out loud! That's ridiculous! Either way, I'm sure you could've lived without being wise of that. Scarby was amusing as always. Water balloons, Motley brothers, the $2.50 I spent on a bottle of water... I didn't really get to talk to the Plano crew that much tho'. They were all dressed up, they looked great! =D We saw Richard and Isabel up there too.
Last weekend we celebrated Marcus getting his apartment. Kat finally finished cutting my hair, I saw Jon Micheal, and Caleb broke a lava lamp. I don't know why he was there anyway. The only ones fond of Caleb were Kat and Max. I went home early, 'round 12:00, coz I had to be up for 7:45 mass in the morning.
As for my Summer, so far I'm looking forward to Summer school (it means I won't have to take Gov and eco in my senior year), A-kon (I may not be a fan of anime anymore, but I still dabble in the Japanese music and it's a fun place to be with friends), Moi Dix Mois concert (going with 'Nanna, Jarvis, and Brandon), and Dir en Grey concert. Pennicillin (sp?) will be at A-kon this year, so it should be interesting. :)
Later days