well let's see.
i've been spending most of my time with ben.
the other day i went to dance with him :)
and he bought me a poster of adam brody MMMMMMM
i had a really good conversation with rachel last night.
and megan too. haha. :)
i really do miss my friends.
it's hard seeing them, plus my boyfriend.
and i always say the same things.
"i need to manange my time better."
because i do.
i have a wedding reception tonight with ben.
and a baby shower tomorrow, after that i'm hanging out with erika.
monday, me and kayla might hang out.
and tuesday. me and megan are supposed to chizz. :)
ben's birthday is friday.
this sucks ass lmao.
everytime my lifes going good.
something goes wrong.
and my life is going really well.
so i'm just expecting something to happen.
:-[ BL.
i freaking found my ashlee simpson cd <3 hahhaha :) woooo.
my fish benjy died.
mother fucker.
piece of shit fish.
ben has to buy me a new one.
i'm so glad were together.
he's really good to me.
we don't fight, we "discuss"
we don't get mad, we get "bothered."
even though we "discuss" and get "bothered"
fucking a lot.
he's one of the best things that has happened to me.
i'm so excited to hang out with erika sunday.
i haven't seen her in almost a week.<3
haha, the other day i did i swore to myself i would never do.
because i just thought it was so disgusting and derty.
and lmao. it was actually quite funny and embarressing. BL.
but i'm going to go.
shower and clean.