Jan 22, 2005 21:26
ok soo today was pretty interesting i woke up like at 11 then my sister woke up we were fighting and stuff....then we decided to do pilates..its like a work out video but really weird...there's one called like the roll and you curl up into a ball and roll i dont know me and my sister had to stop cause we were cracking up then we took showers.. got dressed...we fought because we were wearing the same exact things....white shirts...jeans and these slip-on kinda shoes..i have one in beige and black so she wore the beige and i wore the black soo we fought over not wanting to dress the same soo finally she changed and i won =) then we went and picked up her boyfriend at work and ate quiznos..whichi i LOVE then dropped him back off and we went to dolphin to try and find something to wear for jackie's quinces...didnt find CRAP!!! then came home...my grandmother gave us money to order pizza cause we didnt have any and we were starving so yeah it got there and we like inhaled that pizza in so fast lool it was funny then my sister got dressed and went to her boyfriends house for some party and she left me alone and now i am here wanting to talk to someone but i cant =\ but whatever..then me and monica had a very funny moment..
xpriscillittax: ok i learned how to wash clothes today and i love it
xpriscillittax: i love to wash clothes!!!
LyL mOniKiTa 4 4: LMAO
xpriscillittax: lool what!?
xpriscillittax: its true tho
xpriscillittax: my sister taught me and i already washed like 3 loads
xpriscillittax: i even washed the sheets and the towels
xpriscillittax: people hate it but i love it
lmao what!? i love it ok why do people hate it so much!? it takes like half an hour...whatteevver people are weird UNLIKE me!! teehee well im gonna go watch tv now or something...
<3 pooh