Nov 12, 2005 21:56
So yeah, James has been dead for a year today.
I was talking about him the other night with Duggan.
He was a neat guy...That doesn't cover it at all, but what else am I supposed to say?
I remember the last time I saw him. I was walking to UA with Joy and my hoodie pocket was full of sour apple gumballs because the machine at the mall was broken so they were free and he was sitting at Books and I wanted him to walk us home, but he was waiting for a ride so he couldn't, so I gave him gumballs and we left.
And I remember the night he died. And how Joy had her Birthday party the night after, and she felt bad, and we wanted to put flowers by the tracks the Sunday morning after he died, but there were no florists open. I was pissed at his memorial on the beach because everyone was fucked up and it didn't seem right.