(no subject)

Aug 30, 2005 07:11

my step dad needs to chill. seriously.

me: okay.
him: do you have a boyfriend?!
me: no.
him: you know, youre not JUST lying to me... youre lying to god.
me: uh too bad im not lying.
him: yeah well..
him: i can do this if i want! i have a right!
[i choke on pizza]
him: I DO!!!
me: okay.

so.. corey brings me over a smoothie from planet smoothie yesturday. i didnt really think he would do it. now he owns my life. lmao.

me: thanks corey i love you
corey: uh huhhh aaahhh
me: no seriously.
corey: okay sick.
me: im talking to kaylaaaa [on the phone]
corey: [puts arm up] REEEALLLYYYYY???!
me: mhmmm
corey: wow.

and he leaves. wtffff.
and my mom was like... awwww whered corey go?! hes so cute. and i was like ew.... EEWWWW. and she was like aw i wanted to see him! and i was like oh well you can go chace him down if you like. and she was like okay which way did he go?!
dude. 98% of the time.. my mom is the best.

but i got a smoothie so its totally cool.
but it made my tummy hurt.:[

and thennn i called jonathan :]
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