Apr 12, 2010 15:45
So today is the first day back from our spring break. I already can't wait to go home, even if I'm only going home for less than 24 hours.
Today I decided I wanted to change. I'm not going to specifically say the change because every time I do, I start to give up. But just know that by my 21st birthday I will be different. Sorry I'm being so vague but I need to mentally set myself up for this.
To start, I began "Biggest Loser: Boot Camp" and the 'weeks 1-2' program KICKED. MY. ASS. Holy crap, I can definitely see this working. :)
Another update is that I think I figured out where I want to go study abroad. SUNY Brockport offers an internship placement program in London. I would take classes at a London university and then be placed in a part-time internship. It isn't tailored specifically for my major, but I'm pretty sure I could find something. Fingers crossed!!