Jun 07, 2009 22:33
whatever happened to boys realizing that sweet talking when you hardly know the girl is a sure way to get shot down? especially when they declare how beautiful they think you are inside and out when they've only seen you 3x and have never had a decent conversation with you. and they KEEP talking even after the fact that you tell them you're interested in someone else and how you want to stay platonic. i'm sick of fighters, step down when you realize the girl's trying to let you down easy.
i wish girls didn't use their cute looks as such a manipulative evil weapon. stay wholesome and true, for real.
i'm realizing how mean i've gotten over the last few years and i think its cause i'm really starting to care less and less how people see me. but! i'm starting to get my sweet girl side back slowly, but surely, i guess. i'm over being a sarcastic bitch. ahaha
can't wait for august 8th, 9th, and 10th. :)