
Feb 23, 2006 02:01

I made a B in Chemistry!! im s0 so happy =)a 91!! Im so pr0ud* but t0mar we have a test in there and im pretty sure i d0nt kn0w h0w t0 d0 it haha. Leann and I just g0t back fr0m g0ing t0 maurices, i had t0 get brand0n a belt and thats where he wanted 0ne fr0m haha 25$ f0r a guys belt thats a funny 0ne. I mean its m0re believable if it was f0r a girl 0r s0mthing. Leann g0t a shirt and jerrel s0me things .. well tonight i have birthing classes and im kinda debating on whether or not to go because i need t0 study f0r this chemistry test t0mar* brand0n will be s0 excited if i tell him that l0l=) but anyways im g0nna g0 up there and s0 s0me things bef0re he gets h0me.
-- keisha im really s0rry t0 hear ab0ut y0ur dad, y0u,y0ur family and friends are in my prayers i pr0misex3

'`God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them`'

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